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Striving to fulfill the Internal need to ACTively connect in an inclusive community!

We run solely on donations! Donate to help us create inclusive events and activities around the Las Vegas valley!

Striving to fulfill the Internal need to ACTively connect in an inclusive community!


Launching Soon!


Social Activities

  • Birthday Club 

Join a club of individuals who both show up and get invited to celebrations. These inclusive celebrations have the purpose of fostering friendship and community for those who struggle to connect for whatever reason.


  • Social Activities and Gatherings

Adaptable and sensory-friendly group hikes, sports, picnics, outings and community opportunities. These inclusive activities and gatherings are created upon the interests and abilities of those involved to foster healthy relationships and community for those struggling to find ways to get involved.


  • InterACT Club 

The mission and purpose of the InterACT Club is to create a social group where the behavioral and emotional needs of school age students can be identified and addressed with the use of healthy peer and professional role models teaching and modeling relationship-building skills and building self-esteem through group activities and events in an environment where the individual can feel empowered,  included, and accepted.


  • InterACT Shows 

We LOVE the ARTS. Performers, painters, and creators of all kinds are OUR kind of people. We build shows on and with the talents of those involved to showcase local talent and build confident souls.


Sensory Friendly Theatre 

  • Specialized Sensory-Friendly Consultation and Training

We offer to all local theatrical productions, from school to professional, sensory-friendly training for cast and crew. We also create and direct lobby experiences for sensory productions.



  • Social Skills

Social skills learning for kids and teens led by local mental health professionals.​

  • Parent Support​

Support for parents in the parenting journey.

  • Community Support

We support our community, and create ways to help our community get needs met and feel connected and inspired.

  • And More!


  • InterACT Seal of Approval - Sensory Friendly Training
  • Parent Trainings
  • Job Placement/Advocacy
  • ​InterACTing Series Trainings

Trainings for professionals working with individuals on the Autism Spectrum


  • Pyschoeducation topics for community awareness
  • Autism Awareness
  • And More!

© 2020 InterACT With Us

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